更新日:2018年3月29日 News一覧

2018年3月27-29日Spring School ( スプリングスクール )を開催。

3/27(火) Game(キャンプ場ってどんな所?!)

3/28(水) Craft Art( キャンプ場をテーマに制作に挑戦!)

3/29(木)  Outside Lesson(キャンプ場へ行こう!)



(Circle Time)







【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Spring seems to really have begun, hasn’t it? So which creepy, crawly creatures can we find on a campsite this time of year? What else can we find? Having learnt the words for all kinds of insects and other possible things we could see (trees, flowers, campfire and so on), the students did their best to find these on the campsite. 

“Look! A butterfly!” One student excitedly points out a colorful insect flying through the air, whilst another has found a handful of acorns. “What is this in English?” She asks. 
After exploring the campsite, pointing out big ants and small ants, finding secretly hidden Chocolate Easter eggs, saying “I found one!” along with each find, it is finally time to eat the potatoes we had prepared earlier. This allowed the students to take a peek into verbs like: to wash, to cut (in half), to wrap and to shake.
“What do you want with your potato?”
“I want cheese.” 
“Let’s eat!”
Finally everyone could go home, having explored creatures as small as bugs and things as big as trees.


更新日:2018年3月22日 News一覧
2018年3月22日(木)のみ『Let's Make The Calendar For April 2018!2018年4月のカレンダーを作ろう!)』を開催。







【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week we started with greeting each other.For elementary and JHS we made a goal for the day so that we will know at the end of the lesson that whether we had fulfill our goal or not.

Firstly we learned is memorizing the name of fruits under different number. In this lesson first students will see and memorize under which number the picture of the friut is pasted and after that we will ask `which is the 2nd friut or 3rd fruit` so that students will think and say`the second fruit is banana or what ever that they have seen before, so that we can see which student can memorize or remember more.

Secondly we learned the months of the year by watching nursery rhymes and again learned from the cards with pictures. For example, if it is january then we showed january with snowman. After learning the months of the year we played one game by showing the pictures and students will go and grab the name of the months written on the paper.

At last we did workshop onfilling the empty space on the dates of the april month.  For example in the calender the fifth ,fifteen and twentyfifth date is missing  and we asked students to write those dates and paint the name of the month with their favourite colour.


更新日:2018年3月17日 News一覧




【Spring School 開催のお知らせ】

英会話HOP では3 月27日(火)~3月29日(木)の間、幼児・小学生の皆さまに、外国人先生による英語のスプリングスクールを開催します。挨拶・単語・読み聞かせ等の基本学習に加え、英語でワークショップを開催!



日にち:3/27(Tue)~3/29(Wed) 3日間コース

時 間:幼稚園生(年少~年長)10:30~11:45(最終日12:00頃)







3/27(火) Game(キャンプ場ってどんな所?!)

3/28(水) Craft Art( キャンプ場をテーマに制作に挑戦!)

3/29(木)  Outside Lesson(キャンプ場へ行こう!)※雨天決行

参加費 : 新規の方:9,000円 既存の生徒さん&ご兄弟: 6,500円 




場  所: HOP教室 (最終日3/29(木)いちかわ市民キャンプ場:柏井町2丁目992−1)

住  所: 市川市大野町3-1998-14 ☎ 047-315-1848 

服  装: 汚れても良く動きやすい服装でご参加下さい。

持ち物 : 特になし。 エプロンのご用意、あります。

材  料アレルギーをお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら、お申し出ください。ご協力、宜しくお願いします。


予約制 : 材料を準備する関係で予約制です。定員8名です。



※ 駐車場はございませんので、お車でいらっしゃる際には近隣の方へのご配慮を何卒よろしくお願い致します。



              様(              )(男性・女性)  才

連絡先携帯):      -      -      メールアドレス:                    


参加者の氏名(ふりがな)             様(アレルギー有:     )(男性・女性)  才

【確認事項】 広報活動等をする際に、生徒様および保護者様の映像 ・ 写真を使用することがあります。予め、ご了承ください。

■HOP 047-315-1848 ※ご予約・お問い合わせのご連絡、お待ちしております。

HOP 代表 佐藤 さおり 住所:市川市大野町3-1998-14

outside game


更新日:2018年3月14日 News一覧

2018年3月13・14・15日『 Let’s Make Chinese Tofu Pudding  “Douhua”! (中国の豆腐のお菓子“ドウファ”を作ろう!) 』を開催。


(Circle Time)












【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we learn how to prepare the sweet Chinese douhua! We mix the mochi rice flour with water and “make rice balls” out of them. Then we add them to boiling hot water. After they rise to the top, we “wait for 5 minutes” and then scoop them out. We cut sweet potatoes into small pieces boil them till they’re soft. Then we make sweet syrup by mixing black sugar with water. We “take one spoon tofu” into a cup and add syrup, rice balls and sweet potatoes on top.

更新日:2018年3月8日 News一覧

2018年日6・7・8日『Game: How many hearts can you collect? ( ゲーム:何個のハートを集められるかな?) 』を開催。






(Teacher’s Eye)

This week, we did a revision class in a game format! We practised all kinds of questions that we’ve learned so far, like “Is this hot?”, “Is he/she a magician?”, “What is your name?”. We made two teams and played a game with grids that had hidden hearts and fire. For every correct answer, the student gets to choose a grid. If it’s a heart, their team’s heart count goes up. If it’s a fire, they can attack the other team with it and make them lose a heart. The team that has more number of hearts left wins! We end the game with the losing team saying “Congratulations!” and the winning team saying “Good try!”

更新日:2018年2月23日 News一覧

2018年日2月13・14・15日『 Let’s Compare Saree and Y2ukata!  (サリーと浴衣を比べてみよう! ) 』



【Circle Time】






【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we learned how to wear a sari and yukata! Sari is an Indian dress and yukata is a Japanese dress, so we also compared the similarities and differences between them. For sari, you have to start by “Tucking it in” at the front and “Turning around” or “Wrapping it around”. Then you “Make pleats” at the end and put it over your shoulder. Finally you make pleats in the front and tuck it in. We also took some fun pictures at the end!

更新日:2018年2月15日 News一覧

【Circle Time】



Let’s Make a Pinwheel!


【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we make a pinwheel! In circle time, we learned how to compare things and say which is the biggest/smallest. We play a game by comparing numbers (bigger/smaller than). Then we start making the pinwheel. We take a square paper and “Make a crease” by folding it into triangles. We “Pierce the paper with a toothpick” to make holes on all sides and also the centre and use a pencil to “Make the holes bigger”. Then we cut on the crease and stick each side with the hold to the centre. We “Put a pin through the centre and the straw” and the pinwheel is complete! We then try to “Spin the wheel”.



更新日:2018年2月13日 News一覧

【Circle Time】




Let’s Make a Squishy Slime Toy! 




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we are making a toy slime! We “measure laundry starch and detergent” and pour them into a cup. Then we mix them with chopsticks till they “start becoming solid”. We check with our fingers to see if “it’s sticky” or “it’s soapy” and continue mixing if it is. When it’s okay, we take it in our hands and squeeze it to make it more like a slime. After finishing, we play games such as hitting it on targets and throwing it in a box! We practice phrases such as “It missed”, “It went in” and “It bounced off”.



更新日:2018年2月13日 News一覧





更新日:2018年2月1日 News一覧

【Circle Time】



I Heart Pankcakes!



【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we will complete the Valentine’s gift for the family by making a heart-shaped pancake! We revise “What is ___ in English” or “How do I say ___ in English” using the cooking materials. E.g. “What is / How do I say hera in English?” Then we start preparing for the pancake. We “blend the soymilk and strawberries” and add the mixture to the pancake flour to make the batter. Then each student cuts strawberries, “pours the batter on the pan” and adds the strawberry pieces on top. Then we “flip the pancakes with the spatula”. After the pancakes are cooked well, we “cut out a heart from the pancake with the mold”, “stick small hearts on it with the chocolate syrup” and “pack the present with a tape”. Then we practice the phrase “I made this for you. Happy Valentine’s Day!”.




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