更新日:2018年1月25日 News一覧

【Circle Time】













【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we are preparing for Valentine’s Day by making a card! In circle time, we practise how to say “How do you say ___ in English?” or “What is ___ in English?” Then we play a crossword puzzle game where everyone reads the hints and guesses the animal in Japanese and asks me what it’s called in English! Then we make a card with two pieces of paper. One paper is a cutout of their own hand and then they stick it on the other paper. Then they write a sweet message to their family on the front. They practise how to present it to their family.



更新日:2018年1月18日 News一覧

【Circle Time】



Magic Water Changes Color !


【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week is magic week! First I show them a simple magic trick with a bottle and a straw. Then I show them two tricky magic tricks, one where the water in the bottle becomes coloured water, and another where coloured water becomes clear water! We practise the phrase “There is a ___” to introduce the items. Then we form two teams; Team A does Magic 1 (I tell them the secret in another room). Team B asks them, “How did you do that?” and Team A explains the trick. Then Team B does Magic 2. We also practise phrases with in, on, under, in front of and behind, which are useful during magic tricks.




更新日:2018年1月11日 News一覧


You Make Miso (Me So) Happy!


【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we are making a hot bowl of Miso Soup! We learn all the names of ingredients and look for their pictures on the wall. We start making Miso Soup. First we “clean the Kombu” and “boil it in water”. Then we go to the kitchen to “boil the dried mushroom” and come back and add the stock water to the Kombu water. After that, we “chop the ginger, vegetables, mushroom and fried tofu into thin slices” and add them to the Kombu water. Lastly, we “melt the Miso into the water”. But “it tastes bland”, so we “add Soy Sauce” and then “it tastes perfect!”




更新日:2017年12月18日 News一覧

1/9・10・11『 Game( ゲーム ): Where is the New Year !?(新年はどこにある!?)』





【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we play a game of treasure hunt to welcome the new year. We make two teams, Team A hides the numbers (2 and 0 or 1 and 8) and Team B searches for it. Team B asks Team A “Where is ___?” and Team A answers with “It’s in/on/under/behind ___” Then both the teams switch roles. Once they find all the numbers, we put them together to make 2018.

更新日:2017年12月16日 News一覧


12/16 『 A Yummy and Colorful Christmas Party!( 美味しくて、色とりどりなクリスマスパーティー!)』を開催。






【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Merry Christmas! Today we had a fun party because Christmas is only a few days away. We sang a song called S-A-N-T-A and played a game of hitting tissue balls on the snowman. Then we made a healthy curry with lots of vegetables like onions, potatoes, yellow pepper, broccoli and carrots. We made a snowman head by shaping rice into balls and used seaweed to make its eyes. Then we put the snowman head into a bowl, poured the roux around it and enjoyed a colourful Christmas curry rice! Happy holidays and see you next year!



更新日:2017年12月10日 News一覧

~ Merry Christmas!! ~


日にち: 12月16日(土)
集合時間: 10:30(幼稚園生&小学生1~3年生) 定員8名程
所要時間: 1時間10分程
材料費: 1,500円 / 1人 ※参加日当日にお支払いお願いします。
集合場所: HOP教室
住 所: 市川市大野町3-1998-14 ☎ 047-315-1848
服 装: 汚れても良く動きやすい服装。
持ち物: 特に無し。

アレルギーの有無: ある方は症状をお伝え下さい。(確認が必要な食材等がございましたら、お気軽にお申し出下さい。)ご協力、宜しくお願いします。
予約制: 材料を準備する関係で予約制です。

①            様(        )(男性・女性)  才
携帯:      -      -      
ご住所:〒                             メールアドレス:                                    
【確認事項】 広報活動等をする際に、生徒様および保護者様の映像 ・ 写真を使用することがあります。予め、ご了承ください。
■HOP 047-315-1848 
HOP 代表 佐藤 さおり  住所:市川市大野町3-1998-14

更新日:2017年12月7日 News一覧

12/12・13・14 『 Let’s Prepare for Christmas! !(クリスマスの準備をしよう!)』





【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we are getting ready for Christmas! We play a game to guess where the eyes, ears, nose and mouth of Santa Claus will go. Then we read a book about a snowball in which students have to guess English words of pictures that appear in a sentence. There’s a fun Christmas quiz about the colour of Santa’s hair and coat and the shape of a Christmas tree. Then we make a snowman soft toy out of something you can’t imagine! Can you guess what it is?

更新日:2017年11月30日 News一覧

12/5・6・7『  Let’s Try Japanese Calligraphy!(お習字に挑戦しよう!)』を開催。




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we practise traditional Japanese calligraphy with the help of English! The students learn the names of different Japanese calligraphy tools and then we play a game of “What’s in the box?”, where they have to guess the tool in the box. They also learn directions like up, down, left, right, front and back and we do a little dance where we move our body in different directions. Finally, they learn the correct way of sitting and holding the brush for Japanese calligraphy and practise writing kanji by looking at the videos and samples, with the help of English instructions.

更新日:2017年11月24日 News一覧

11/28・29・30『Yummy green smoothie – What’s in it? (美味しいグリーンスムージー – 中に何が入っているかな?)』を開催。




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Kids hate greens, but not when it’s in a smoothie! So this week, we are making a yummy and healthy smoothie with fruits and spinach. We also revise months and dates by playing a game of touching the month that matches with the picture and talking about each other’s birthdays. While making the smoothie, the students learn new phrases such as “Slice the banana”, “Cut into smaller pieces” and “Turn the dial”. They also learn the phrase, “Look, it turned green!” before “Sipping the smoothie”!

更新日:2017年11月16日 News一覧

11/20・21・22『 Let’s Make The Calender for December 2017! (2017年12月のカレンダーを作ろう!)』を開催。




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

This week, we are making a countdown calendar for Christmas! We practice names of the 12 months of the year and learn how to say the dates with ordinal numbers such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Then we fun play a game to match pictures with the respective months! Finally, we trace numbers on the December calendar while revising ordinal numbers on it, stick a picture of Santa Claus (whose beard has circles for a countdown to Christmas!) at the top, and stick the picture of a Christmas present next to him while discussing what everyone wants for Christmas.

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