【次回の予告】2018年11月6日(火)~11月8日(木) 『Let’s Have Fun With Colors ! (色で楽しもう!) 』を開催。
(Circle time)
【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】
Winter is slowly coming closer and with each leaf that falls the world seems to lose a bit of colour. Though here in this classroom there certainly was no lack of colour this week, as we decided to make some ourselves. We mixed our 3 primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and made the three secondary colours. Which colours do we need to make purlple? ”Red and blue” And for orange? ”Red and yellow.” What if we want to make green? ”Blue and yellow.” Now there were six glasses with six colours. It already looked quite fancy to me, but to make it even more interesting we added in a spoon of baking soda, a bit of washing up liquid and to top it off a quarter cup of vinegar. Like magic the mixture started to bubble and rise up until the glasses just couldn’t contain it anymore. Now, colouring our trays and tables, was a foamy rainbow.